Waar blijft de tijd! 6 Weken alweer! Nog even en dan vliegen ze uit... Eindelijk ook gekozen welke namen onze kleine ukken gaan krijgen

Where has time gone! 6 Weeks already! Not too long now before they will leave for there forever homes... Also finally decided on the names


The boys will be:

Quest for Cupid from the Furry-Tales

Quick 'n Easy Lover from the Furry-Tales

Q-Lovers Heartbeat from the Furry-Tales



The girls will be:

Queen of Hearts from the Furry-Tales

Qualified to Kiss from the Furry-Tales

Quite some LadyLove from the Furry-Tales

Quest for Cupid from the Furry-Tales, James
Q-Lovers Heartbeat from the Furry-Tales, Qlover
Quick \'n Easy Lover from the Furry-Tales, Roemer
Queen of Hearts from the Furry-Tales, Alice
Quite some LadyLove from the Furry-Tales, Qiyenta
Qualified to Kiss from the Furry-Tales, Bobbie




Number of published images in category: 6
Number of unpublished images in category: 0
Category Viewed: 2756 x
Most viewed images in category
Quick \'n Easy Lover from the Furry-Tales, Roemer
Detail   1857 x
Queen of Hearts from the Furry-Tales, Alice
Detail   1845 x
Q-Lovers Heartbeat from the Furry-Tales, Qlover
Detail   1844 x
Last added images in category
Quest for Cupid from the Furry-Tales, James
Detail   02. 07. 2017
Q-Lovers Heartbeat from the Furry-Tales, Qlover
Detail   02. 07. 2017
Quick \'n Easy Lover from the Furry-Tales, Roemer
Detail   02. 07. 2017
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